Hello! I’m Brandon Kalinowski. I bring sound technical advances and strong business acumen to streaming projects in fast-paced environments. I also build drones and software.
Request ResumeRecently, I had the opportunity to try out a service that I had known of for a while. At first I thought why, now I see just how easy it is and the power of an… »
Now I have built a computer that I can use with Final Cut and Davinchi Resolve (an excellent free color-grading program that does not have many limitations… »
My first experience making videos was with stop-motion LEGO stories. Stop-motion means using a regular picture camera to take each frame one by one. With this… »
I opened up the Apple computer and replaced the hard drive with a 1TB drive. In comparison to building a computer from scratch, replacing an iMac hard drive is… »
A quick update on my current project. This is a Pre-visualization for a PSA I am producing for the police department. I am very excited to start work on this… »
I am typing a blog post onto my iPod. The difference is that I am typing from a wireless keyboard that is connected to an iMac. In other words, this keyboard is… »
I have switched to Apple computers for the most part when our family bought our first Mac in 2006. Ever since then I have seen computers as a creative tool. I… »
What if you could use the cloud to create 3D models of anything you photographed? Well now it is possible. Read on to learn more... I found something very… »
It's 4:30 PM on a Friday and you get a call that a server you administer is down. The users are going to be working through the weekend on a project which is… »
NOTE: This is an old post and links may no longer work Here is an email that I sent a while ago, and I thought I'd share it on my blog. I've been thinking about… »
This entire post is from an email I received a while ago. It is an amazing example of model building, which is used extensively in some films. Two German… »
Check out Spotify! I personally have been waiting for this Swedish service to be available in the U.S. for more than a year. Now I can listen to 15 million… »
I found this cool thing for creating 360 video on iPhone. You can swipe around while recording and while viewing a previously recorded video. http://www… »
Below is some technical details about camera magapixels. This could perhaps help in choosing a camera. I was told by a professional photographer, that the lens… »
This is a sample of a flash web project I created for the County Leadership Enrichment Program Contra Costa County Web Project »
Grandpa-Collage I created this collage when I heard the sad news. Grandpa was dying in the hospital and we were making cards for him. I wanted to do something… »
Introducing the script of our latest and greatest project: "The Clown of God" Blocking-Script The only video on it is a 1950's stick figure cartoon, so the idea… »
This is a logo designed for a high school. Created with Photoshop. Hope you like it! Buckingham Logo »
The website www.PopularWebz.com brandonkalinowski.com is now officially online today: January 17, 2011. This is one place where I will put everything that the… »